Diverse Relationships between Center and Periphery in Music The 6th Tbilisi International Musicological Conference
May 23-25, 2025 Tbilisi, Georgia
Venue: V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire
Call for Papers
Concepts and models of the relationships between center and periphery are widely discussed not only in the geopolitical, economic, and social sciences, but also in other fundamental disciplines, among them a wide range of studies, including art history, literature, film, and cultural studies. Within the framework of this problematic, we can consider, in particular, decentralization, the resistance/counter-action of the periphery to the center, and the formation of new centers.
Musicological research on the above-mentioned issue has been actively conducted since the end of the last century, but the very question of the correlation between the central and peripheral has existed in music for many centuries. It concerns not only large-scale historical processes and their impact on music, but also manifests itself in virtually all aspects of the functioning of music as a phenomenon, both at the micro- and macro-level.
Taking into account a number of historical and contemporary circumstances, this subject is particularly
interesting in the studies of Georgian music. Georgian traditional and art music, both together and separately, offer inexhaustible possibilities for the multifaceted development of this topic.
The Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire invites musicologists of all directions, performers, composers, and researchers in related disciplines to take part in the conference DIVERSE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CENTER AND PERIPHERY IN MUSIC
The organizers invite participants to discuss the following topics (by no means exhaustive):
- The varied manifestations, the interrelations of center and periphery, and/or models and their possible transformations:
– In music of totalitarian and post-totalitarian spaces;
– In Georgian traditional, and popular and art music;
– In contemporary experimental music;
– In rethinking musicological narratives and theoretical schools of the XIX-XXI cen-turies, or in their re-evaluation;
– In performance and interpretation;
– In musical language, systems, issues of form, genre and style.
- Music as a space for interpreting the aesthetic-philosophical, political and social ideas of the past and present.
The official conference languages are Georgian and English. The conference is planned as an in-person event. The option for online presentation is limited to a limited number of thematically focused sessions only.
Keynote speakers:
- Proposals for 20-minute individual paper presentation must be submitted by February 28, 2025, and must include the following:
– Contact details; name, surname;
– Institutional affiliation (if applicable);
– Short bio (150 words maximum, including information on the academic titles);
– A title and abstract of the proposal (150–250 words);
– Technical equipment needed for the presentation.
The organizers also welcome proposals for 90-minute thematically focused sessions consisting of 3 papers. For such sessions, please submit all abstracts together in one registration form with short description of the session focus (100 words). One representative of the group should fill the application for all three participants willing to present their papers in the respective thematic session separately. Online participation is available only for a limited number of themed sessions.
Please submit your abstract through the ONLINE SUBMISSION FORM
The proposals will be peer-reviewed.
Please consider that all successful applicants will be required to register for the conference.
Please follow the timetable below:
February 28, 2025: deadline for submissions;
March 15, 2025: Notification of the results to the applicants who have been selected to participate.
Registration date TBA
Please note:
There is a registration fee of EUR 50.00 for in-person participation in the conference and EUR 25 for online participation in thematically focused session. The registration fee must be transferred to the conservatoire’s bank account. Transfer details and procedures will be sent prior to registration.
The registration fee covers:
conference materials;
Coffee- and lunch breaks on conference days;
Concert at the recital hall of the Conservatoire;
Cultural program on May 25.
For additional information, please contact: TSC Research Coordination Department